The Sunday Post: Summer’s End

Just like that, summer’s over. It’s back to business as usual, back to school and regular schedules. Of course, when you have a full-time job things don’t change all that much during the summer months other than having the luxury of longer, warmer days. We haven’t been able to get away to the beach for a…

The satisfaction of a little structure

My entry for this week’s photo challenge feels a little too much of a copy-cat submission. I was outside on the deck yesterday evening looking around for something to shoot. I had already skimmed through all my recent and even not-so-recent shots and didn’t really find any that I wanted to submit. So I’m out…

Missing Corners

I had several ideas for this week’s photo challenge, but Friday morning as I was writing my Morning Pages it came to me: the corner piece of brownie (a little extra crunch from the edges but still gooey throughout the rest of the delicious morsel of goodness). I don’t remember now how that came to…

Hand-held Distraction

The first thing that came to my mind as I thought about what always catches my eye and distracts me from what I’m doing, is my smartphone. I expected to see that others suffered from the same affliction. But alas, as I scrolled through the various photos posted for this challenge I saw rainbows, sunsets,…

Elemental Landscape

I was enjoying the beautiful weather this past Sunday, sitting out on the back porch with a good book. In the back of my mind, I was thinking about this week’s photo challenge to capture one or more of the four elements: earth, wind, fire, and water. From my vantage point on the deck, the…


I’m not sure what this little bug on my lemon balm is, but I guess it does add a little bit of extra texture to this photo.

The Sunday Post: Bridges

I’ve tried to start this post multiple times now, the blinking cursor asking me what it is exactly that I want to say. I haven’t figured it out still, which might mean the words aren’t quite ready to be committed to paper, so to speak. I wanted to use this image as the starting point….