Another 50mm Day

Practice, practice, practice. I decided I needed another day with the 50mm lens. So when it was time for my photo walk date with my friend Veronica, I left the 50mm lens in place and headed out. It was interesting to me to see what she chose to take pictures of versus what caught my…

50mm: Mixed Results

Here are the first set of results of my 50mm practice resolution. I  haven’t edited these other than some cropping. I found that many times I was too close to the subject to take a good shot, or my settings were off. This is what happens when I don’t stay on “Auto” the whole time….


As part of my efforts to “practice, practice, practice,” I’m going to take my camera with me on our trip to Philadelphia and only take one lens with me. I’m taking the lens that gets the least amount of use: the 50mm f/1.8D. I’m not sure why I haven’t worked with this lens more, but…