A Different Type of Challenge: It’s all about Attitude. And a lot of Writing.

It’s funny how all of a sudden everything you see and read is about the same thing. Whether it’s just our karma, coincidence, a Higher Power answering a prayer you may not have realized you had invoked, or we subconsciously seek it out, sometimes life has a way of sending you the same message over and over until you “get it.”

Take this last week for example. My husband brought home a library book titled “The Writing Diet” by Julia Cameron. It’s a different sort of diet book, meant to re-focus your life around creative pursuits, such as writing, instead of around food, with tools such as daily writing, walking, journaling food intake and feelings about food. There is a focus is on writing yourself out of negative thinking.

Yesterday while looking for inspiration and catching up on the Daily Post I found a recent post about using writing to make lemonade out of lemons. The post encouraged us to set a timer for seven minutes (time can vary) and just rant and rage about whatever has us bothered, upset or depressed. When the timer goes off stop, and then set it again for fifteen minutes or so and write from a different point of view or outlook on the same situation, with the goal being to write your way into a better frame of mind.

Also yesterday, one of my favorite food bloggers shared a link and image on Facebook that really caught my eye:

Shared on Facebook by skinnytaste; originally posted by Heather K. Jones.

I checked out the link and it led me to another blogger’s challenge using daily, positive affirmations to overcome fear and self-loathing. It got my attention because someone in my life has spent the last couple of days mired in doubt, guilt, worry, and probably a low level of self-esteem and morale.When I shared the post about writing yourself out of a negative situation, this same person asked what was the last thing that dragged me down; labeled me an eternal optimist.

I know I do have the reputation of being an optimist, always laid-back, seeing the bright side of most any situation. And most of the time, yes, that’s me. Not ashamed to admit it. Does that make me somewhat unrealistic? Maybe so.

But I’m also very insecure about many things: my body, my cooking, my photography, my parenting. These are all things I’ve been judged on in one way or another, obviously some a little more lightly than others. Rather than dwell on those issues though I will risk being accused of burying my head in the sand and focus on continuing to find a positive outlook every day. I will participate in the challenge presented by Heather by using one of her positive affirmations as the prompt for a post for the next thirty days. As far as the actual and possibly difficult issues that I do need to deal with and help my family with, I will try to be as supportive as I can and come up with real and practical solutions or suggestions.

Last night I printed out the thirty affirmations and cut them out as instructed. I even found a cute bag (thanks Mom!) to stash them in and put them on my nightstand.

Today is Day 1 and this is today’s affirmation:

I choose thoughts that make me feel supported.

Today I am choosing thoughts about the support I get every day at work. I am thinking about the love and support I get from my husband, who is constantly encouraging me to pursue everything in which I express an interest.

What makes you feel supported?

Are you willing to try this challenge with me? What’s your positive affirmation today?

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