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Now and Then: 2015 Review

It’s that time of year, folks. This is when many of us break out our year-end lists of what was hot or what was not. The Daily Post had some suggestions for us bloggers as we attempt to craft a post in review of 2015 so I decided I may as well join in and take a look at what my most “popular” posts were in 2015.

Once I reviewed the stats, it became obvious that my blog would be nowhere without participating in the Weekly Photo Challenges. Eight of the top 10 posts with the most views were photo challenge entries, and all the 10 most-liked posts have photos for these weekly challenges. (This does not include feedback via social media such as Facebook and LinkedIn, as I have not found an easy way to measure that — may think about creating a Facebook Page for the blog to make that easier.)

In case you missed any of them, here they are:

Top 10 posts: Views

  1. We’ve come a long way, baby
  2. Today’s Top 10 (Or What I did on my Summer Vacation)
  3. A source of inspiration
  4. Beneath your feet
  5. Red hot chili peppers
  6. Half and half
  7. My struggles as a weight watcher (not a photo challenge entry)
  8. Doors
  9. What’s on your mind (not a photo challenge entry)
  10. He loves me, he loves me not

Top 10 posts: Likes

  1. Afloat after a spring shower
  2. Rule of Thirds Trio
  3. Just a blur
  4. Vivid
  5. Extra(ordinary)
  6. We’ve come a long way, baby
  7. Force of nature
  8. New Day, New Year
  9. Symmetrical snowfall
  10. Great day

Of course, over 70% of my posts this year were in response to a photo challenge, so the deck was pretty much stacked . There were only a handful of posts that had little to do with photography, and maybe a dozen or so Music Fridays posts (this was obviously not a strict weekly feature).

So what does that tell me? Do I need to work on my writing more? Or do I go with the “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” mantra and stick to what works?

I do have a picture for this week’s challenge. I took this one with my iPhone as I sat at my kitchen counter yesterday morning, getting ready for a day on the couch with a book and a cup of coffee. I was supposed to be at work yesterday (and today) but my son came down with pneumonia on Christmas, so staying home and being Nurse Mom seemed like the right thing to do right now.


Maybe what I should try to do is focus on integrating my  photography with my writing, which I have tried to do in a few of my posts. Thoughts? Suggestions?

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