Packing Up

Just packed up my iMac and printer so now it really feels like I’m moving. Much of the kitchen is packed, along with pictures and decorations. I’m undecided about this particular photo. I took it at work with my iPhone years ago and liked it so much I’ve displayed it in an art show and donated a copy to the company raffle a while back. I’m not sure it belongs in Greenville, though.

If any of my local friends would like it, please let me know. Framed it’s about 28×38 inches.

Some of the packing has been hard. It’s hard to know what should go, what is better left with him, and what should be donated. There are memories attached to almost every little thing, and almost all of them are good memories.

One of these days I’ll get around to updating my About Me page here. I realized the other day I need to do it. I just don’t know what to write yet. I need to learn more about myself, I guess.

Someone asked me to today if I was excited, nervous, or unsure about my upcoming move. I responded with “all of the above.”

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