Daily Prompt: Places

I’m a day late for this daily prompt, but I think there’s a saying that goes “better late than never?”

Beach, mountain, forest or somewhere else? Definitely the answer has to be beach. However I’m a little flexible regarding the type of beach. Ocean beach would be preferable, and a tropical beach even better. But actually any body of water will do.

Emerald Isle










I grew up in the tropics (Panama City, Panama). I loved it there. However, I don’t think I fully appreciated it until I had already spent years living in a cooler climate, without an ocean to drive by or dip my foot into on a regular basis. Virginia’s not bad, and there are beaches within driving distance, but it’s not the same. I would love to breathe the ocean air every day and feel the warm ocean breezes on my face. It’s not even about hanging out at the beach all day long and swimming in the ocean. I actually rarely get in the water when I do get to the beach. It’s the atmosphere, the slower pace of life, and basking in the sunshine. I miss the sunshine. Yes, I even miss the oppressive heat and humidity. I miss hearing the waves and the seagulls.

Maybe one day we’ll be able to relocate closer to this dream environment. For now I guess I’ll have to be content with week-long vacations.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. I’ve got to have forest! I love getting into the woods and living in a house that backs up to a national park.

  2. Carol says:

    I love the beach as well! It’s the beach for me if I could be in the Caribbean everyday, but I’m not! I can dream about it.

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